Some of the letters published concerning the (alleged) over-enthusiasm of Aaron Barker, the market stall trader, describe his spiel as tantamount to poetic. What liberty-taking both then and now. Is it not time for Mme Councillor to get back up those ap

Some of the letters published concerning the (alleged) over-enthusiasm of Aaron Barker, the market stall trader, describe his spiel as tantamount to poetic.

What liberty-taking both then and now.

Is it not time for Mme Councillor to get back up those apples and pears to the Chamber of Errors in Emson Close to recant before she and the town become laughing stocks?

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

In the markit, a councillor insults wisht ter trade,

"Turn it darn: the volubilitee," she bade.

Well, it's bananas she's gorn.

Pleeze, let's all keep our Aaron,

Wiv 'is moniker, it's for this 'calling' 'e's made.

Joe Hobbs, Fishmarket Street, Thaxted