IN reference to your front page story, ‘Town parking debate begins’ - what debate? I don’t remember any communication, public consultation or notice regarding the traffic proposals at Thaxted.

IN reference to your front page story, ‘Town parking debate begins’ - what debate? I don’t remember any communication, public consultation or notice regarding the traffic proposals at Thaxted.

Thaxted has never had a parking problem. Sure there are always a few people who will park in silly places which the latest measures will not stop.

This current plan has taken away several spaces including some side street parking. Some of the parking bays are only large enough for a Smart car and at least three vehicular crossing (not used for many years) have no parking lines across them.

I have yet to see more than one or two people using the pedestrian peninsulars which project past the parking bay lines into the road causing a dangerous pinch point. I’d like to see two Sainsbury’s artics get past each other in the future.

To add insult to injury, we now have two traffic wardens who walk around together to protect themselves from the dangerous drivers illegally parking. Honestly, traffic wardens in Thaxted! It’s the beginning of the end.

Thaxted is a quiet little market town with a few pleasant shops which it has always been a pleasure to stop at. During the last few weeks I have never heard so many people complaining about this scheme and asking who is responsible and how much of our money did it cost.

I have been trying to find the answers myself without success and I suppose there is a group of arrogant people who believe they know best.

Perhaps the Reporter could inform us so that we might “take charge” as David Cameron said people should do.

Mike West

Via e-mail