A new five-year plan has been developed to reduce health inequalities in Uttlesford and improve the wellbeing of those who live and work in the district.

The new strategy has been developed by Uttlesford Health and Wellbeing Board to tackle inequalities within the district - as there are some differences in health outcomes between groups of people and communities.

To address these differences, the board has set out five key areas where they feel they can make the most impact by working together.

The key areas are:

1. Improving and supporting mental wellbeing.

2. Enabling people to live healthy, active lifestyles throughout their lives.

3. Building healthy, resilient, active communities.

4. Alleviating pressures associated with the increased cost of living.

5. Improving access to services and facilities.

Each priority will have specific areas of focus and action plan, which will be determined by the board and published at a later date.

Cllr Maggie Sutton, Uttlesford District Council’s portfolio holder for communities and health, said: "I am pleased we have an updated strategy for the district, which is adopted by the council but is agreed and developed with other members of the Health and Wellbeing Board.

"The pandemic has presented many new challenges for our communities and this is an opportunity to re-focus and target our work where it is most needed.

"By working together, we can make a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of residents."

The Uttlesford Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2023-2028 was endorsed by the council's cabinet on Thursday, December 1.

The document can be viewed with the agenda papers on the council's website at www.uttlesford.gov.uk/cabinet-meeting-1-December-2022.

The Uttlesford Health and Wellbeing Board is made up of a number of partners that work to improve health and wellbeing for the local community.

Partners include the district council's health and wellbeing team, the Essex Health and Wellbeing Board, West Essex CCG, Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, the fire service, West Essex Mind and many more.

Some of the issues which the board addresses are increasing obesity levels, low levels of physical activity, an aging population, rural isolation and poverty.