Progress is being made on the draft version of Uttlesford District Council's Local Plan, along with supporting evidence which is due to be published in October.

The council is working towards a plan which aims to ensure the right level of development takes place in the most appropriate locations, and is supported by the most important infrastructure which has the greatest value to local communities.

The next stage of the plan-making process is known as Regulation 18, and is the point at which the council will publish its draft Local Plan for consultation, including any proposed development sites.

Members of the public will be able to have their say on the proposals which are put forward.

Details of the draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) consultation will be announced in due course.


All public Local Plan leadership group, cabinet and full council meetings, including those where the Local Plan will be discussed, are broadcast live.

Related documents, including background studies, are available to view at These include information about the housing trajectory and five-year land supply for the district.

In the meantime, more information about the Local Plan process is available on the council's website at