Saffron Walden Quakers are inviting all to attend a 30-minute vigil for climate action.

The vigil will take place on Sunday, October 1 at midday outside the Friends Meeting House in High Street.

Quakers have a long history of social action in the community, and the vigil is part of the annual Quaker Week which aims to let the wider public know about their worship and practices.

Lizzi Rawlinson-Mills, who is helping to organise the vigil, said: "Our children and grandchildren will ask us what we were doing as our government turned their backs on climate commitments.

"Children see things with a clarity that is worth our attention!"


The most pressing matter for the vigil is the government's decision to issue 130 new licenses for oil drilling in the North Sea, contradicting the Paris Climate Agreement's targets.

After the vigil refreshments will be provided, with space for conversation and discussion.

Inside the Friends Meeting House there will also be colouring activities for children, who are welcome to pop in and out of the vigil for as much or as little as they can manage.

Saffron Walden Quakers hold weekly worship (the Quaker word for church service) at 10.30am on Sundays at the Meeting House.