Saffron Walden Baptist Church is taking part in World Day of Prayer to show solidarity with the women of Palestine.

A service for the day has been devised and written by Christian Palestinian women, on the theme 'I beg you...bear with one another in love'.

World Day of Prayer is an international, inter-church organisation led by women in more than 170 countries, and focusing on women in troubled parts of the world.

On Friday, March 1, the Christian women of Saffron Walden will host the annual service, which features prayer, song and meditation.


The service takes place at Saffron Walden Baptist Church, and anyone of any faith or none is invited.

A spokesperson for Churches Together said: "The people of Saffron Walden will have their opportunity, peacefully and prayerfully – and leaving the tumult of politics aside for a moment – to stand together before God with Christians all over the world, in solidarity with the suffering people of Palestine."

This year is the 92nd annual World Day of Prayer. The day itself begins at dawn in Samoa, from where prayer travels across the world through Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas, before finishing in American Samoa some 38 hours later.