Carver Barracks is now closed to the public because of dog mess and vandalism

Carver Barracks is now closed to the public because the army says dog owners have let their animals foul sports pitches and there has been vandalism of Ministry Of Defence vehicles.

A warning was issued in January that because dog owners either failed to clear up their dog mess or slung the bags into bushes, access might be stopped.

An army spokesman said barracks personnel had always been very supportive of allowing access to its training area for recreation.

“Unfortunately, some owners think it acceptable to allow their dogs to foul football and rugby pitches, tradesmen’s resources and pathways.

“This is unpleasant and a serious health hazard.

“Not only is this extremely unpleasant to encounter but is a very real health hazard. Some owners do take the time to pick it up, but then spoil it by disposing of it in trees/bushes or in the Portaloo used by service personal, despite designated bins being available on site. If these bins are full, notices politely ask ‘if bins full, please take it away with you’, but judging by the piles of waste at the side of the bins, this is being completely ignored.”