SAFFRON Walden Town Council will be introducing a new constituent surgery system, similar to those operated by many MPs.

Saffron Walden Reporter: Saffron Walden Town Council will be introducing councillor surgeries from June 13Saffron Walden Town Council will be introducing councillor surgeries from June 13 (Image: Archant)

Starting from June 13, these sessions will be held in the council chamber in the town hall.

A selected town councillor will be on hand prior to council meetings to discuss any issues raised by members of the public, to give general advice on any local issue and provide help and support where required. All wards will be represented every three months).

The aim is to allow residents to have direct access to their councillors. Whilst a regular schedule will be available to the public and advertised accordingly, Cllr Nick Osborne (Shire Ward) leads off on June 13 at 6.30pm followed by Cllr Doug Perry (Audley Ward) on July 11, also at 6.30pm.

Cllr David Sadler, vice chairman of the council’s Property, Services, Personnel & Finance Committee, said the initiative “represents a real step forward for the town council”.

He added: “We hope the public take this opportunity to come and talk to us about issues they may need the town council to address or individual cases that we may be able to provide support for.

“We will be operating this system for the next six months and should they be a success we will continue, or if not we will again at look at other ways of giving the public improved access to their councillors.”