THE Recorders of Uttlesford History have a network of over 40 historians and other contacts co-operating in recording the history of the district’s villages and towns.

Speaking at the group’s AGM, chairman Jacqueline Cooper highlighted the large number of activities in which recorders are engaged, from history exhibitions to archaeological digs.

The website – – continues to attract up to 150 users each week.

Treasurer Fiona Bengtsen commented on the big success of the year, the launch of a book of historic cake recipes, entitled Let Them Make Cake, which has been reprinted twice and is still selling well at the Tourist Information Centre in Saffron Walden.

Outings organiser Debbie Lowe reported on the start of a series of historic visits, starting with Ashdon Museum last year, and more recently tours of two historic buildings in Saffron Walden. A coach trip to the National Archives at Kew is planned for the autumn.

At the conclusion of the meeting, guest speaker Ken McDonald gave an illustrated talk about the heritage of Uttlesford and surrounding districts.