Dan Spinks says the rebuild quickly being put together at Saffron Walden Town should not be compared with Romford - even if a number of the FA Vase winners have moved over.

The Boro manager left and moved swiftly to the Bloods, an Essex Senior League rival, with his departure triggering a couple of others to follow.

Hassan Nalbant, scorer of two in the 3-0 victory over Great Wakering Rovers at Wembley, is one with Adalberto Pinto and goalkeeper Jake Anderson two others.

But Spinks has also brought in Roman Campbell from Tilbury, as well as retaining Walden favourite Solomon Ofori, as he builds a squad capable, he hopes, of winning the title.

He doesn't want to be known as Romford 2.0 though as the first iteration didn't reach the target he had set them.

The Bloods boss said: "I'm pleased with the boys we're putting together and pleased with the response I've had back from players that I was trying to get in.  

"We’re looking to build a squad that can compete at the top of the league. 

"I had my eye on Sol when I was Romford manager. I was trying to sign him so as soon as I got this job, I was straight on the phone. 

"He sounds like he's pleased to be a part of it and he was looking to be a part of it again. 

"Hassan and Pinto were instrumental for me last year. 

"Hassan is levels above this to be honest with you, I've done well to get him to play down at this level and the same with Pinto. 

"But what's happened is they're all buying into it. They're seeing what we're trying to do here and what we achieved last year and they're believing in me in a little bit. 

"Roman Campbell was Tilbury’s top scorer last year. I liked him, he was excellent every time we played against them. 

"He’ll be a positive, a big strong lad. 

"I've signed Jake Anderson as well and there are a couple of Walden lads that are going to stay. I’m meeting with them this week.  

"They’re all going to be given the same opportunity. 

"It's not just going to be Romford mark two because Romford mark one never won the league last year.  

"We finished a little bit short so we need to improve on that."

The arrival of players who know and understands his demands, as well as showing they can do it on the big stage, is part one of the masterplan.

Spinks said: "We need to build a winning mentality here. I expect to win, the board expect to win, the bar staff expects you to win and that's what you do.  

"And then what you find is the other team expects you to win as well. 

"That's what I need. It's such a big club and the players I'm bringing in are going to be winners. 

"Some of them won the Vase with me last year and they will naturally bring that mentality up slightly when they integrate with the boys. 

"The potential was already here. It wasn't a bad side, they had a decent run last year. 

"So every single one of them will get an opportunity and hopefully we can put together the best 16 or 18 out of the group."