SAFFRON Walden artist and photographer Megan Ridgewell has added to her series of captivating local scenes with the unveiling of her latest painting, Picnic at Bridge End.

A leap away from her first picture of Saffron Walden Common deep in snow, the latest effort is of a much warmer scene, captured during July’s Arts Trust Picnic in the town centre garden.

Gone are the snow suits and sledges to be replaced by shorts, t-shirts and gazebos in a vibrant depiction of a summer afternoon’s family entertainment.

Megan said: “I am thrilled at people’s continuing enthusiasm for my work, which I began exhibiting at the Tourist Information Centre last year. I am told by the team there that customers thoroughly enjoy trying to spot friends, family, and even pets in my paintings!”

The 2104 Saffron Walden calendar – Saffron Walden in Bloom – is now in stock at the TIC. Prints and cards of Megan’s best-selling works are also available.